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Episode 070: Living and Working “On Purpose with Purpose” (Top Replay)

Welcome again to the 2021 End of Summer Podcast Series – where I’m taking a fresh look at the 7 most downloaded podcast episodes over the past year! 

Living and Working “On Purpose with Purpose” 

This series ties into a greater overall theme of issues and opportunities I continue to see express themselves in leadership teams throughout the industry and across the country, and in both smaller and larger firms. 

Today’s episode is one I was excited to see in the top 7 and one that can truly change us – personally, professionally, and organizationally: Episode 61 with John Ramstead, executive coach, leadership expert, author, and CEO of Beyond Influence. 

“Being ‘on purpose with purpose’ is living life fully alive… It is the pursuit of something significant or meaningful; a worthwhile goal or dream we’re excited about… but something only 10 to 15% of us are doing!”

–Peter C. Atherton, P.E. 

As I relistened to this episode, five key points stood out:  

1 – We All Want Purpose 

We covered a lot in this episode; about what having purpose means and how can we find and sustain it. 

Being ‘on purpose with purpose’ is living life fully alive. It is:

  • The pursuit of something significant or meaningful; a worthwhile goal or dream we’re excited about… but something only 10 to 15% of us are doing!
  • The ability to connect our passions with our skills and talents to live what John calls a ‘10:10 life’
  • A convergence of ‘who we are’ with ‘what we do’ 
  • Making a greater difference for ourselves while more positively impacting all those around us


Although many stories related to ‘finding meaningful purpose’ seem to come later in life, it doesn’t need to be this way! 

2 – We Need to Help Others

Younger professionals want meaningful purpose too! In fact, all of our employees do – and nobody wants to (or should!) wait for a mid-career epiphany to start. 

As leaders and people managers, our ability to coach and mentor better can allow us to become what John describes as the ‘boss everyone deserves’ – and will also help ensure that our best talent is not just a ‘phone call away’ from leaving. 

3 – Time is of the Essence 

We need to have a real sense of urgency about building better relationships and designing better organizational alignment if we want to be able to win the ‘war for talent’ and to grow and prosper during what’s being called the ‘Great Resignation’. 

To do so, our leadership and organizational development strategies and tactics need to expand. 

Not only do we need to develop an internal culture of coaching, we need to have the courage for: giving and receiving critical and candid feedback; sharing and receiving ‘truth in love’; and tying what we’re doing to what’s important to us and to others. 

4 – We’re Always Being Pushed Off Course 

Just like an airplane is during a flight, we’re always being pushed off course – personally, professionally, and organizationally. 

In order to stay on track, we need tools equivalent to an airplane’s autopilot system and our car’s GPS – which includes: having a ‘true north’; a destination; and being clear and honest about where we are now. 

Whether we have a very specific or just a general destination or vision to start, ‘small steps’, especially the ‘plus 1’ steps John describes, can take us there. 

5 – Slow Down to Speed Up 

We need to create more margin in our lives, especially as busy leaders and professionals, to build our awareness, to ask ourselves some tough questions, and to confirm our direction before moving forward. 

When it comes to ‘living and working on purpose with purpose’, it’s not about getting busier, it’s about getting better.  

Whether we realize it out of the gate, along the way, or as a ‘second chance’ after something tragic or trauma-filled, finding and stepping into our purpose is an incredible gift! 

No matter the circumstance, I hope you are as inspired as I am to join – or to rejoin – the ‘top 10 to 15%’… and do so in a way that intentionally invests in making all those around us better too. 

“As leaders and people managers, we need to have a real sense of urgency about building better relationships and designing better organizational alignment… if we want to be able to win the ‘war for talent’ and to grow and prosper during what’s being called the ‘Great Resignation’.”

–Peter C. Atherton, P.E.  

Thanks for listening to the AEC Leadership Today Podcast!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Be sure to check out Pete’s contact information and the other resources provided throughout the ActionsProve website designed to help you and your firm grow and prosper in the 21st century.  And, if you like what you heard, please leave a review on iTunes and share the podcast with your friends and colleagues. We look forward to seeing you in the next episode! 

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Link to original episode shownotes with John Ramstead: Living and Working “On Purpose with Purpose”

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About the Host

Peter C. Atherton, P.E. is an AEC industry insider having spent more than 20 years as a successful professional civil engineer, principal, major owner, and member of the board of directors for high-achieving firms.  Pete is now the President and Founder of ActionsProve, LLC, author of Reversing Burnout. How to Immediately Engage Top Talent and Grow! A Blueprint for Professionals and Business Owners, and the creator of the I.M.P.A.C.T. process. Pete works with AEC firms and leaders to grow and advance their success through modern and new era focused strategic planning and implementation, executive coaching, leadership and management development, performance-based employee engagement, and corporate impact design.

Trace the steps to preventing and reversing burnout in you and your team.

Trace the steps to preventing and reversing burnout in you and your team.

Episode 070: Living and Working “On Purpose with Purpose” (Top Replay)