The Power Has Shifted: Staying Relevant as an Organization

The Power Has Shifted: Staying Relevant as an Organization

Business leaders and owners have traditionally enjoyed a firmly-cemented corporate hierarchy that clearly skewed power dynamics in favor of the organization. However, in the modern workplace, professionals are more emboldened to pivot away from organizations or careers as a result of burnout and disengagement and a desire for greater meaning, purpose, and…

How to Not Quit on Purpose – Part 2: Connecting with Passion

summit trail

Our passion is our “Why”, a driving force that helps explain our motivations. Our passions attach meaning to our interests, and the meaning we attach dictates the priority, the energy, and the emotion we place on and commit to that interest. For many good reasons, many of us had a passion for mastering our craft and making a name early in our careers. To this end, we…

How to Not Quit on Purpose – Part 1: Getting Clued In


Exploring our interests, pursuing our passions, and discovering our purpose is a universal desire. I have yet to meet a fellow human who doesn’t have this desire. However, there is a disconnect. Despite our ability to present very logical and emphatic cases that justify our present state…

Playing Out The Costs of Professional Turnover

curtains theatre

Jenny has given her notice. She has been part of the practice for about 15 years. She joined as a “high-potential” from a competitor in what seems like just a few years ago and didn’t disappoint. She continually exceeded expectations and was given recognition… and there was still more room to run. She surely would have been a big part of the future…