“Better, faster, cheaper”. This is the old “All 3”, a timeless desire unlikely to ever change.
Essential Power Skills and Habits for Next-Level Leadership
There’s a lot coming at us in terms of technology, consolidation, and business model evolution – and all this on the heels of profound workplace, marketplace, and recruiting space change.
Employee Engagement 2.0 and the “New Work Covenant”
As I work directly with dozens of executive leaders and speak at conferences and events around the country, I continue to hear a lot of concern about employee productivity and workplace culture and whether to remain hybrid or work flexible.
We Cannot “Buy” Growth: How to Create Lasting Value and Not Fall Prey to the M&A-only Myth
Growth is good, healthy, and essential for life. It is also essential for business.
The Four Major “Shifts” Changing Everything About Leadership and Firm Success
Like most large-scale systemic events, March 2020 gave ‘official birth’ to a new era of work and life – one with new rules, new ways of thinking, and lots of big change.
How to Lead and Succeed with “SFA”: Success from Anywhere
“Work from home” became a necessity with COVID. Then evolved the idea of “work from anywhere” – whether that be home, a local café, or other workspace.
Designing Your Ideal Day to End the Chaos
Managing our time and energy has – and always will – be critical to our success in almost all aspects of our lives. Leaders and managers especially need to proactively “change the game” and establish a new model for better time management.
Why Strategic Plans Languish and Fail
There’s no question that strategic planning is essential for firm success. Yet despite this, the vast majority of strategic plans fail or fail to be fully or successfully implemented. Why is this the case and, more importantly, what can we do to ensure that our team and firm are on the winning side?
Meaningful Patterns and The Redefinition of Winning
Being a leader is about constantly looking for problems to solve and opportunities to realize… but which ones are the right ones, which ones have the greatest return on investment, and in what order should we pursue them?
Who Will Win the Talent Standoff?
Playing to win requires a real investment in organizational redesign, and the creation of both a vision and a culture that’s worth the work.